When women come together,
powerful things happen
Let’s Grow Together
We were never designed to do this alone. Our impact and immense power is birthed through the communities we create — we mobilize each other to transcend barriers in order to ascend towards more. It is when we work together that extraordinary ideas take place and leadership building transpires.
Elletourage was created out of the notion that accessibility is the root to birthing opportunity.
Women, from the start, begin on a different level playing field from one another due to socioeconomic circumstances, race, background and environment. Yet, society continues to place women into boxes and systems designed to serve men. The mentorship model is no different. While the current mentorship model comes with good intentions, it is a model built on a system that favors men, perpetuating the gender hierarchies it attempts to remove.
In a culture that sees women fall behind their male counterparts, lose out on positions based on gender, and pitted against one another—we must pave a new road that challenges the status quo.
And that’s a road Elletourage is embarking on by reimagining mentorship as a discipline centered on equity, access and self-advocacy exclusively for women.
By focusing on mentorship as a practice that takes account of women from all starting points, women are able to access learning and development that adds to what they already have. Through a range of passionate experts with expertise in mentorship, coaching, advisory and sponsorship—women can seek, discover, and lean into female leaders through an avenue of learning that serves them best.
There is no one size fits all approach. Rather, at Elletourage, we want to create multi-faceted strategies that empower authentic relationships to grow and create pathways towards more for women everywhere.
Why It Matters
87% of mentors and mentees feel empowered by their mentoring relationships and have developed greater confidence
Mentees are promoted 5x more often than those without a mentor
82% of men have had male mentors, while just 69% of women have had female mentors.